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Aloha Ohana!

29th-31st August 2025

Welcoming you to a retreat for Lomi Lomi practioners in Glastonbury, UK! 


Give ~ Receive ~ Connect


We will gather, as Lomi Lomi practitioners, for 3 days, sharing massage, dance, yoga, breathwork, food, tears, laughter and whatever else you bring to the space. All at a super low cost in gratitude for this love we all spread!

Let us come together as family once again with a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with those you met on previous trainings. 

Meet new family and grow the worldwide web of loving hands.

Experience and practice 4 handed, or more, Lomi Lomi.

+ Breathwork, family constellations, dancing, yoga, massage & wonderful company. â€‹


 Ticket options:​


Ticket + bed in a shared room: £350

Ticket + Tent/Campervan pitch: £220


Food is included​​



The Old Trinity Church
Godney, Wells

Somerset, BA5 1RX

Book Your Space

Welcome home


A selection of workshops during our 3 days together in retreat, plus amazing food!

Image by Toa Heftiba

Lomi Lomi Massage

Give and receive 4 handed Lomi Lomi massage

Crab Nebula

Family Constellations

Bringing awareness and love to family patterns and trauma for healing and untangelment

Free Yoga


We will have a guided group conscious connected breathwork session for deep release

Dancing Hands Touching_edited.jpg

Ecstatic Dance DJ

We are being joined for the night on Saturday by DJ and sound healer, Dunya Lamhrari for some funky beats


Yin Yoga

End the evening with a gentle, floor based, slow paced, yin yoga practice


Sharing Circles

Opening and closing this retreat with ceremony, ritual and sharing circles 

1:1 with Ricardo

Book a private session with the experienced Lomi Lomi trainer and practioner, Ricardo Balkhoven, who learned Lomi Lomi in depth from the native Hawaiian people. He combines his years of wisdom and an innate ability to hold people in their darkest times, and deepest emotions, to offer transformative, body, mind and soul healing sessions.​

90 minutes - £140

2 hours - £200



Enter in to sacred ceremony, plant your intentions with Spirit, work hand in hand with your ancestors and guides to release all that is holding you back.

Ricardo's connection to Spirit will deeply touch your body and soul.

Relaxing massage.jpg

Deep Joint Rotations
& Bone Washing

Release ancestral karma stored in your bones. These deep rotations and the emotional release that comes with it, help to let go of the blockages accumulated in your joints.

Become free!



Tap in to the deeper wisdom of your soul, through the breath. Accessing our subconscious mind through conscious connected breathwork. Increasing our life force energy, harnessing the bridge between spirit and matter. 

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